Renew Membership 2025


Select the relevant option below to renew your membership for 2025.   The Member of another Branch option is only available if you have paid an IWFS subscription via another branch and wish to join London Branch as well.

If you have a direct debit you need take no action.

SKU: N/A Category:


If you have set up a Direct Debit you will be notified of the payment for 2025, which will be taken on 15th January.  

If you do not have a direct debit, you can set one up here, and save £10 on your combined  LB/IWFS subscription.  Otherwise renew on line by choosing one of the options in the box above.

Please read the terms and conditions of membership.   You will be asked to confirm your acceptance of these when you check out.   It is a condition of membership that members agree to their personal data, together with subscription, booking and attendance records, being automatically processed and stored on the Society’s secure websites, for the established aims of the Society.  They agree to receive postal and email communications from the Society.