Join IWFS London Branch
£20.00 – £88.00
This form enables you to join IWFS and London Branch. The rates shown include both the IWFS and the London Branch fee. It can also be used by members of other IWFS branches who wish to join London Branch as well. If you join now, your membership will run until 31st December 2025.
Select the required type of membership below. Please choose Member of another IWFS Branch ONLY if you are paying your IWFS subscription through another branch.
Please read the terms and conditions of membership. You will be asked for some further information, and to accept the terms and conditions, when you check out. It is a condition of membership that members agree to their personal data, together with subscription, booking and attendance records, being automatically processed and stored on the Society’s secure websites, for the established aims of the Society. They agree to receive postal and email communications from the Society.