Alsace Food and Wine

In Past Events by ashepherdiwfs

Those of you who attended the Savoie and Corsican evenings will know all about Laurent Faure’s rustic regional dinners with matching food and wine.  This time he is offering us local specialities from Alsace.

We will start with a glass of dry Riesling as aperitif, followed by:-

Flammekuche (Alsatian Quiche) – cream, bacon and onions
– Pinot Gris
– Gewurztraminer

Choucroute Garnie – sausage, ham, potatoes, and bacon, cooked in white wine, with pickled cabbage.
– Dry Riesling
– Pinot Noir

Alsacian cheeseboard, with Munster cheese (made in the Vosges mountains, and ever so good)

Alsacian dessert – Profiteroles with Raspberry Ice Cream, and Berries, rounded off with Eau de Vie.
– Sweet Gewurztraminer

These evenings have been much enjoyed by those attending them in the past, and this was no exception.